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(2050,0020) Presentation LUT Shape
When present, specifies an identity transformation for the Presentation LUT such that the output of all grayscale transformations, if any, are defined to be in P-Values. Enumerated Values are: IDENTITY - output is in P-Values - shall be used if Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) is MONOCHROME2 or any color photometric interpretation. INVERSE - output after inversion is in P-Values - shall be used if Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) is MONOCHROME1. When this attribute is used with a color photometric interpretation then the luminance component is in P-Values. GENERAL IMAGE MODULE ATTRIBUTES
(2050,0020) Presentation LUT Shape
ecifies pre-defined Presentation LUT shapes. Enumerated Values : IDENTITY = input to the Presentation LUT is in P-Values, no further translation is necessary. LIN OD = input to Presentation LUT is in linear optical density over the range of Min Density (2010,0120) and Max Density (2010,1030). Note: LIN OD is only defined for hardcopy devices and is not applicable to softcopy devices. Presentation LUT Module
(2050,0020) Presentation LUT Shape
Specifies predefined Presentation LUT transformation. Required if Presentation LUT Sequence (2050,0010) is absent. Enumerated Values: IDENTITY - no further translation necessary, input values are P-Values INVERSE - output values after inversion are P-Values See C. SOFTCOPY PRESENTATION LUT MODULE ATTRIBUTES
(2050,0020) Presentation LUT Shape
Specifies an identity transformation for the Presentation LUT, such that the output of all grayscale transformations defined in the IOD containing this Module are defined to be P-Values. Enumerated Values: IDENTITY - output is in P-Values. Required if Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) is MONOCHROME2, and BitsStored (0028,0101) is greater than 1. Note: If the VOI LUT Module is required by the IOD but no VOI LUT Sequence (0028,3010) or Window Center (0028,1050) is present, then the VOI LUT stage is an identity transformation. SC MULTI-FRAME IMAGE MODULE ATTRIBUTES
(2050,0020) Presentation LUT Shape
Specifies an identity transformation for the Presentation LUT, other than to account for the value of Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004), such that the output of all grayscale transformations defined in the IOD containing this Module are defined to be P-Values. Enumerated Values: IDENTITY - output is in P-Values - shall be used if Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) is MONOCHROME2. INVERSE - output after inversion is in P-Values - shall be used if Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) is MONOCHROME1. See C. for further explanation. DX IMAGE MODULE ATTRIBUTES