DICOM Tables


Tag Name
(0018,9098) Transmitter Frequency
Precession frequency in MHz of the nucleus being addressed for each spectral axis. See section C. for further explanation of the ordering. Required if Image Type (0008,0008) Value 1 is ORIGINAL. May be present otherwise.
(0018,9052) Spectral Width
Spectral width in Hz. See section C. for further explanation of the ordering. Required if Image Type (0008,0008) Value 1 is ORIGINAL or MIXED. May be present otherwise.
(0018,9053) Chemical Shift Reference
The chemical shift at the transmitter frequency in ppm. See section C. for further explanation of the ordering. Required if Image Type (0008,0008) Value 1 is ORIGINAL or MIXED. May be present otherwise.
(0018,9054) Volume Localization Technique
Name of volume localization technique used. Shall be “NONE” if no spatial localization was performed. Defined Terms: ILOPS ISIS PRIME PRESS SLIM SLOOP STEAM NONE Required if Image Type (0008,0008) Value 1 is ORIGINAL or MIXED. May be present otherwise.
(0018,9126) Volume Localization Sequence
A sequence of one or more Items that provide the position of RF excitations used to select a volume of tissue. The selected volume is described by the intersection of the sequence Items. Required if Volume Localization Technique (0018,9054) is other than NONE, otherwise may be present if Image Type (0008,0008) Value 1 is DERIVED on the same condition.
(0018,9104) >Slab Thickness
Thickness of slab in mm.
(0018,9105) >Slab Orientation
The direction cosines of a normal vector perpendicular to the selection plane with respect to the patient. See C. for further explanation.
(0018,9106) >Mid Slab Position
The x, y, and z coordinates of the mid-point of the slab in mm. See C. for further explanation. De-coupling (0018,9059) 1C Indicates whether de-coupling was active. Enumerated Values: YES NO Required if Image Type (0008,0008) Value 1 is ORIGINAL or MIXED. May be present otherwise.
(0018,9060) De-coupled Nucleus
Nucleus being de-coupled. Defined Terms: 1H 3HE 7LI 13C 19F 23NA 31P 129XE See section C. for further explanation of the ordering. Required if De-coupling (0018,9059) equals YES.
(0018,9061) De-coupling Frequency
The center frequency (Hz) for the de-coupling. See section C. for further explanation of the ordering. Required if De-coupling (0018,9059) equals YES.
(0018,9062) De-coupling Method
The de-coupling modulation scheme used. Defined Terms: MLEV WALTZ NARROWBAND Required if De-coupling (0018,9059) equals YES.
(0018,9063) De-coupling Chemical Shift Reference
The chemical shift in ppm at the de-coupling frequency. See section C. for further explanation of the ordering. Required if De-coupling (0018,9059) equals YES.
(0018,9064) k-space Filtering
Describes k-space filtering applied. Shall be NONE if no k-space filter. Defined Terms: COSINE COSINE_SQUARED FERMI GAUSSIAN HAMMING HANNING LORENTZIAN LRNTZ_GSS_TRNSFM RIESZ TUKEY NONE Required if Image Type (0008,0008) Value 1 is ORIGINAL or MIXED. May be present otherwise.
(0018,9065) Time Domain Filtering
Describes time domain filtering or apodization applied. Shall be NONE if no filtering operations were applied to the time domain data. Defined Terms: COSINE COSINE_SQUARED EXPONENTIAL GAUSSIAN HAMMING HANNING LORENTZIAN LRNTZ_GSS_TRNSFM NONE See section C. for further explanation of the ordering. Required if Image Type (0008,0008) Value 1 is ORIGINAL or MIXED. May be present otherwise.
(0018,9066) Number of Zero Fills
Number of zero fills added to the time domain data before FT. Shall be 0 (zero) if no zero filling performed. See section C. for further explanation of the ordering. Required if Image Type (0008,0008) Value 1 is ORIGINAL or MIXED. May be present otherwise.
(0018,9067) Baseline Correction
Describes baseline correction techniques. Shall be NONE if no baseline correction was performed. Defined Terms: LINEAR_TILT LOCAL_LINEAR_FIT POLYNOMIAL_FIT SINC_DECONVOLUTN TIME_DOMAIN_FIT SPLINE NONE Required if Image Type (0008,0008) Value 1 is ORIGINAL or MIXED. May be present otherwise.
(0018,9101) Frequency Correction
Specifies whether operations were performed to correct resonant frequency of metabolite peaks due to B0 field inhomogeneities. Enumerated Values: YES NO Required if Image Type (0008,0008) Value 1 is ORIGINAL or MIXED. May be present otherwise.
(0018,9198) First Order Phase Correction
Describes whether a first order (frequency dependent) phase correction was applied to the spectral data. Enumerated Values: YES NO
(0008,0008) Required if Image Type
lue 1 is ORIGINAL or MIXED. May be present otherwise.
(0018,9199) Water Referenced Phase Correction
Enumerated Values: YES NO Required if Image Type (0008,0008) Value 1 is ORIGINAL or MIXED. May be present otherwise.