(0028,0002) |
Samples per Pixel |
Number of samples (planes) in this image. This value shall be 1. |
(0028,0004) |
Photometric Interpretation |
Specifies the intended interpretation of the pixel data. Enumerated Value: MONOCHROME2. See C. for definition of this term. |
(0028,9099) |
Largest Monochrome Pixel Value |
Largest value in the monochrome portion of any frame whose Pixel Presentation (0008,9205) in the Frame Content Macro has a value COLOR. Color values must be greater than the Largest Monochrome Pixel Value. See section C. for further explanation. |
(0028,0100) |
Bits Allocated |
Number of bits allocated for each pixel sample. Each sample shall have the same number of bits allocated. Enumerated Values: 8 and 16. |
(0028,0101) |
Bits Stored |
Number of bits stored for each pixel sample. Each sample shall have the same number of bits stored. Enumerated Values: 8, 12 and 16. See C. for specialization. |
(0028,0102) |
High Bit |
Most significant bit for pixel sample data. Each sample shall have the same high bit. Shall be one less than the value in Bits Stored (0028,0101). |
(0018,0088) |
Spacing between Slices |
Value of the prescribed spacing to be applied between the slices in a volume that is to be acquired. The spacing in mm is defined as the center-to-center distance of adjacent slices. |
(0028,2110) |
Lossy Image Compression |
Specifies whether an Image has undergone lossy compression. Enumerated Values: 00 = Image has NOT been subjected to lossy compression. 01 = Image has been subjected to lossy compression. See C. for further explanation. |
(0028,2112) |
Lossy Image Compression Ratio |
Describes the approximate lossy compression ratio(s) that have been applied to this image. See C. for further explanation. May be multivalued if successive lossy compression steps have been applied. Note: For example, a compression ratio of 30:1 would be described in this Attribute with a single value of 30. Required if Lossy Images Compression (0028,2110) is “01”. |
(0088,0200) |
Icon Image Sequence |
This icon image is representative of the Image. |