DICOM Tables


Tag Name
(0020,9071) Frame Anatomy Sequence
Identifies anatomic characteristics of this frame. Only a single Item shall be permitted in this sequence.
(0020,9072) >Frame Laterality
Laterality of (possibly paired) body parts (as described in Anatomic Region Sequence (0008,2218)) examined. Enumerated Values: R = right L = left U = unpaired B = both left and right Note: This Attribute is mandatory, in order to ensure that frames may be positioned correctly relative to one another for display. Shall be consistent with any laterality information contained in Primary Anatomic Structure Modifier Sequence (0008,2230), if present.
(0008,2218) >Anatomic Region Sequence
Sequence that identifies the anatomic region of interest in this frame (i.e. external anatomy, surface anatomy, or general region of the body). Note: It is strongly recommended that this Attribute be sent with a value. See C. for further explanation. Only a single Item shall be permitted in this Sequence.
(0008,2220) >>Anatomic Region Modifier Sequence
Sequence that modifies the anatomic region of interest in this frame (i.e. prone, supine, decubitus right). May be present only if Anatomic Region Sequence (0008,2218) is sent. See C. for further explanation. One or more Items may be included in this Sequence.
(0008,2228) >Primary Anatomic Structure Sequence
Sequence that identifies the primary anatomic structures of interest in this frame. See C. for further explanation. One or more Items may be included in this Sequence.
(0008,2230) >>Primary Anatomic Structure Modifier Sequence
Sequence that modifies the primary anatomic structure of interest in this frame. May be present only if Primary Anatomic Structure Sequence (0008,2228) is sent. See C. for further explanation. One or more Items may be included in this sequence.